Tuesday 26 October 2010

Genuine email correspondence

Pictured: Wheatfield with Crows by Vincent Van Gogh

Dear ________,

We are very sorry to inform you that we cannot publish your poem "_______" in Cha, after all; we found out that it was previously featured in ______. In our acceptance email, we made it clear that we will only publish the piece if it has not been published elsewhere.

Cha Editorial Team


hi dear eds _____________, i am terribly sorry for the mixedup: since i lost all my acceptance/rejection) records while travelling between _____ and ______, i have missubmited my work from time to time. also, i should have responded to this sooner, but i have just returned to _________ from a trip to _______________, where i had no access to internet. no matter what, i know there is no excuse for what i have done with Cha, so let me apologize again, and promise to make sure my future subs will honor your rules if you allow me to make more subs at all. in the mean time, all very best, -_____________


Dear ___________,

Please feel free to send us more poems for consideration. We liked your poetry in other journals/magazines and we hope to feature you in Cha one day. Wish you a lovely weekend.

Cha Editorial Team


hey dear ___________

thanks very much for your kind and forgiving reply! i hope this is not too soon, but pasted below please find 7 poems freshly out of oven - i promise that they are all previously unpublished, and that should any piece happen to be accepted elsewhere, i would notify you immediately (i thought you would not take any more subs from me, so i have just sent out some of them in the past few days).

again, thank you for your tolerance, encouragement and consideration

with warmest regards, _______________


Dear ____________,

It is too late for the twelve issue but we have forwarded your poems to the guest poetry editor of Issue 13We will be discussing the pieces with him soon so we can let you know a decision shortly.

Cha Editorial Team


thanks a lot, dear _______, for your kind and prompt reply! i look forward to your decision. in the mean time, all very best, ____________


Dear _________,

We are very pleased to accept your poems "_______" and "______" for publication in the thirteenth issue of Cha, due out in February 2011. If these poems have not been published elsewhere, please send us an updated bio (you will have a chance to make changes closer to the publication date) and a recent photograph. [....]

Cha Editorial Team

Email correspondence published with the poet's permission.

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